White Birds in Snow Canvas Art Print by Ohara Koson
White Birds in Snow Canvas Art Print by Ohara Koson

White Birds in Snow Canvas Art Print by Ohara Koson

Format: Digital Print on Canvas. All of our Ohara Koson canvases arrive hand-stretched and ready to hang. They have a depth of 4.5cm.
Edition Type: Open Edition
Medium Size: 60cm x 30cm
Large Size: 100cm x 50cm
No additional fixings attached or supplied, the canvas can be hung by resting the frame on nails or hooks.

Japanese painter and woodblock print designer Ohara Koson was a master of kacho-e (bird-and-flower pictures) in the early 20th century.

Ref: WDC91179

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White Birds in Snow Canvas Art Print by Ohara Koson

White Birds in Snow Canvas Art Print by Ohara Koson

Format: Digital Print on Canvas. All of our Ohara Koson canvases arrive hand-stretched and ready to hang. They have a depth of 4.5cm.
Edition Type: Open Edition
Medium Size: 60cm x 30cm
Large Size: 100cm x 50cm
No additional fixings attached or supplied, the canvas can be hung by resting the frame on nails or hooks.

Japanese painter and woodblock print designer Ohara Koson was a master of kacho-e (bird-and-flower pictures) in the early 20th century.

Ref: WDC91179

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